List of names currently attributed IS names MITE names MIC names Bacteria Metagenomic data Virus Search Origin Names A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z * Names attributed by IS finder ("x "for names attributed by ISFinder and "r" for ISs named or renamed by us) (1) For ISs names attributed by IS finder, date of registration, for others, date of GenBank submission or date of publication. 8 results OriginNames*DateRegistrantLocation at registr.Comments Janibacter spISJs1x2007-06-01 ISfinderJanthinobacterium lividumISJli1x2016-12-15 ISfinder Janthinobacterium spISJsp1a2008-02-26Hideaki NojiriISJsp2a2008-02-26Hideaki NojiriISJsp3x2016-11-16Thomas JovéUniversité de Limoges, UMR Inserm 1092, Centre de Biologie Recherche-Santé, 2 rue Dr Marcland, 87025, FranceISJsp4x2016-12-13 ISfinder Jettenia caeniISJca1x2016-07-06 ISfinder Joostella marinaISJma1x2016-11-22 ISfinder